Focus on the Blessings

Are you taking time to receive the blessings that God is pouring into your life?  Why is it that so often you can have 100 things going extremely well and one thing going wrong and you focus on the one thing that is not going well?  Why not focus on the 100 things that are going right?  Why is it that we have been socialized to focus on the negatives rather than the positives?  

The direction we choose to go in this life is our choice. Our minds are much stronger than we realize, even though the world encourages us to let our emotions direct our lives. Emotions are fickle.  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2) is the direction God wants us to choose. The Bible says “be joyful always” (I Thessalonians 5:16).  Not just some of the time, rather God would like you to be living in blessing all the time. 

How can this happen?  By choosing to live in the blessings that God is pouring on us every day. Focus on the good things that are happening.  Our past sin is covered over, our future is secure forever, His Spirit is leading us in the present and through Jesus we are more than conquerors enveloped in His eternal love. 

Life can be hard for us, but it is not hard for God.  Our problems are nothing to him because His power is far greater than our challenges. It is Jesus who said, “In this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world for you (John 16:33).” Receive and live in the blessings He is pouring on you. 

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